
Thank you for visiting the Official Elvis Presley Fan Club Of Qatar Website! You are invited to sign the Guest Book below and let us know what you truly think about our Website and Our Presence here in Qatar or anything related to the latter, we welcome your feedback. Please keep it clean and classy… TCB TLC


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Georgina hulme from England wrote on September 27, 2019 on 10:16 pm:
I like his. Dancing and also a good singer and he plays guitar very well he is fantastic man he likes his fans very much his heart and soul went for rock and roll ledgind he makes me funny chatter lovely man he dresses very nice suits and very smart for he goes on stage
Betty Harper from NASHVILLE wrote on February 25, 2018 on 11:20 pm:
I have been drawing Elvis for 60 years and have done more than 20,045 individual drawing of him. With the city of Memphis I organized the first celebration to honor him in 1978 with my drawing "The American Trilogy" which was the picture I was working on the day he passed. I am official artist of EPE/ABG. It thrills me to see more fan clubs organized around the world. Thank you for being a part of the Elvis world. Keep up the good work.
nico wrote on November 28, 2017 on 9:24 am:
Great job what you're doing in there. Congrats and good luck .
Howard Banney from Hopewell Junction, New York wrote on September 3, 2017 on 4:07 pm:
I loved seeing you and your Husband signing the Graceland Wall. Been a fan since 1956 and have records from 57 countries in the world with songs that mention Elvis by other artists. Love that you are Taking care of business in Qatar. Keep the flame alive.
Don McSweeney from Doha wrote on October 17, 2016 on 7:58 am:
Hi all you Elvis fans out there, Let me share something with you, Elvis was a very humble & believe it or not, lonely guy But, he never actually realized what a profound effect he had on, not just American culture but round the world...remember John Lennon once said "before Elvis there was nothing' If you listen to his music and songs carefully you will quickly realize how much feeling he put into his songs. No entertainer has ever consistently put those deep feelings into their music like he did. Dear Lisa, keep up the great work that you are doing to keep his legacy have my full support in all things Elvis. I would like to sign off with a little message to all your members....I had the luck and pleasure of seeing Elvis Live in Hawaii during the satellite concert way back in 1973 and believe me he was dynamic, larger than life and above all humble during the whole show My best to everyone Don
Angie Young from Corpus Christi, TX wrote on August 13, 2016 on 7:51 pm:
Great job with the fan club Lisa! Just saw you speak at Elvis Fan Reunion in Memphis, so awesome! Love what you are doing!
Ron Tolar from Moss Point Ms. wrote on February 27, 2016 on 6:53 pm:
Just heard the interview and wanted to say Congrats fomr the birth place of the greats Mississippi. Elvis himselvis loves this!!! best Rb
nabeela pasha from datchet wrote on February 27, 2016 on 7:35 am:
So happy to have found you! I had an amazing time at the Al Fresco Elvis Movie night with my husband and friends. So sad to be leaving Doha just when i've discovered you but would definitely like to keep in touch and will make sure i'm here in Doha for the next Elvis Event with my family and friends from the UK who all want to come with me to the next one! Fabulous work, keep it up Lisa. You definitely have my support ????????❤
Brian Quinn from Luton wrote on February 17, 2016 on 10:38 pm:
I am so pleased to hear about your fine website and your intention to spread Elvis' Legacy throughout the Arab World. Elvis loved all people from whatever race, creed, gender, religion, age or position in life. He set us all a magnificent example of Brotherhood and one that we treasure greatly. I wish you many continued years of success and hope you keep on enjoying the music and films from the Greatest Singer/Entertainer who ever drew breath. Peace. Brian
Johnf500 from Johnf500 wrote on January 23, 2016 on 12:48 am:
A big thank you for your article.Really thank you! Cool. eggabggccdad
Nawaf from Doha wrote on October 22, 2015 on 10:33 pm:
What a website Found all what we need about the legend The icon of rock and roll Great job Lisa
Malek from Doha wrote on October 11, 2015 on 1:28 pm:
He is much more than just The King of Rock & Roll. He is an icon as a Singer, Artist, Inspiring Legend and above all, as a Human. We are not remembering because we never forgot. What a great website for such a great legend. Done by a wonderful person who dedecated her time day and night in order to achieve such a beatiful website. Beacuse she always strive for perfection and beacuse whenever she is committed to something, She do it the best way it could be done. Lisi I rememeber how everything started once we hit the road to Memphis, Teneessee. How you told me that you felt something special about being in Memphis and how emotionally you became once you entered the Jungle Room in Graceland and how you told me that day that you will become Qatar ELvis fans Club President. Today you are The official Elvis fan Club President of Qatar approved by Graceland Enterprice. You are a true Elvis fan. We need people like you who carry on his legacy for the next generations. Keep up the great Job Lisi Malooka 🙂
Zahra Sharif from Doha wrote on October 8, 2015 on 9:33 am:
Fantastic! Congrats Lisa! x
Ana Leonor Bseiso from Orlando wrote on October 8, 2015 on 9:31 am:
I'm very proud of you my dear Lisi, it looks great, nice PAGE, I would very much like to jong the ELVIS FANS CLUB, in Qatar and also I would very much like to take part of every event as possible. GOOD LUCK
Sanaa from Doha wrote on September 29, 2015 on 9:56 pm:
Elvis was a legend and this website is awesome.Wishing nothing but the best on this endeavour...xox
Bill Leslie from Doha wrote on September 29, 2015 on 7:56 pm:
Awesome website.
Emlink from Gatlinburg, TN wrote on September 25, 2015 on 9:41 pm:
Lisa, This is a very cool site! Long live EP! Live the Dream !! We miss you guys. Luv ya !!!
Lisa Bseiso from Doha wrote on August 27, 2015 on 6:31 am:
Thank you Roy and Mega for your positive and encouraging words... The club hasnt launched yet but it will soon so plz look out for it... keep the love, and lets continue to pass on from our generation to the next the legacy of Elvis Presley... TCB TLC
Mega from Doha wrote on August 16, 2015 on 9:35 pm:
Your legacy will always be forever alive in the hearts of every people you brought entertainment and inspirations.
Roy from Doha wrote on August 16, 2015 on 8:25 pm:
Glad to see a new website dedicated to one of (if not) the best rock and roll star that have ever lived. Hopefully we will see the Elvis fan club in Qatar grow and grow until it's one of the biggest outside the U.S. And would be honoured to be a member. Great job Lisa.
If I Can Dream // The Essential Elvis Presley
  1. If I Can Dream // The Essential Elvis Presley
  2. That’s All Right // The Essential Elvis Presley
  3. Return to Sender // The Essential Elvis Presley
  4. Mystery Train // The Essential Elvis Presley
  5. Viva Las Vegas // The Essential Elvis Presley
  6. Memories // The Essential Elvis Presley
  7. In the Ghetto // The Essential Elvis Presley
  8. All Shook Up // The Essential Elvis Presley
  9. Jailhouse Rock // The Essential Elvis Presley
  10. The Wonder of You // The Essential Elvis Presley